Monday 24 February 2014

Location, costume and construction schedule for my magazine

Location and costume for my photo-shoot: 

When taking the pictures for my magazine, I decided to use the studio location, accessible to me in College. My magazine is for 16-19 year old females; therefore they would be interested in seeing more professional images of the ‘celebrity’ I was interviewing. However, I chose to include some behind the scenes pictures, showing the more fun and slightly colloquial side to the magazine. The people in the images are wearing clothes from shops where my target audience are likely to shop in. ‘Top shop’ and ‘River Island’ will also be advertising in my magazine. Therefore, having their products in the images, will be promoting their clothing ranges. However, I took one of my pictures in an outside location, with the sun shining. The model in the image is wearing a colourful maxi-dress for summer. This was because the article is about going on a sunny holiday, so I needed an image that would portray this article, and get people in the mood for summer.

The construction schedule for making my media products was: 

Two weeks in December to produce my front cover.
Two weeks in January for the production of my contents page.
A further two weeks in January to produce my feature article.
One week in February to make the finishing touches, and collect all my work together on my blog.

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