Thursday 10 October 2013

College Magazine Questionnaire

1.       Are you male/ female/ other? Please circle one.
2.       Do you read the college magazine?  Yes/ no
3.       How often would you like a college magazine to be published?
Weekly                 Fortnightly          Monthly               Every half-term                                Every term

4.       Would you be prepared to pay for a college magazine? If so, how much?
Nothing                      50p                       £1                           £2

5.       Would you be more likely to buy a magazine if it offered freebies and discounts?  Yes/no
6.       What would you like to see in the magazine?
Fashion       Music                     Food       
Sport           Finance                 Problem page               Other:…………………………………………………..
Jobs             Study tips              Gaming reviews
7.       What type of image would you like to see on the front cover?
People         Technology           Nature          Student’s artwork
8.       What colour schemes would attract you to the magazine? Can you suggest 3 colours.
9.       Would you be interested in contributing work to the magazine?

10.   Would you also like an online version?  Yes/no

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