Friday 25 October 2013

Jay-Z Q Feature article analysis

jayZ featrure article by Rosie Horne
jayZ featrure article, a photo by Rosie Horne on Flickr.

VOGUE Feature article analysis

vogue- feature articel by Rosie Horne
vogue- feature articel, a photo by Rosie Horne on Flickr.

VOGUE contents page analysis

vogue-contents page by Rosie Horne
vogue-contents page, a photo by Rosie Horne on Flickr.

BLISS contents page analysis

Bliss contents page by Rosie Horne
Bliss contents page, a photo by Rosie Horne on Flickr.

Rihanna NME Magazine front cover analysis

Kanye West Vibe Magazine front cover analysis

Vogue magazine cover analysis

Vogue magazine cover by Rosie Horne
Vogue magazine cover, a photo by Rosie Horne on Flickr.

Thursday 10 October 2013

College Magazine Analysis

College magazine analysis

The mast head is placed at the top, as all mast heads usually are. It is large, visible and able to been seen by the reader. The image that has been used conforms to the ‘college’ image. His age is suited to the age of people who would go to college; therefore it is appealing to the target audience of a college student. The student in the main image is smiling and happy. This portrays a happy image of what college students are like. The main image is including some work books. This also links it to the fact that it is a college magazine, so is appealing straight away to the target audience of college students. The cover uses bright, vibrant colours in the mast head, and also in aspects of the cover lines. This predominant colour suggests formality and that education is professional and worthwhile. However, the fact that it is a bright colour, gives the impression that college life is fun and time in life to enjoy. The eye-catching and visually interesting fonts do this. The dark colour in the back ground, allows the cover lines and image to stand out. It also looks slick and stylish, once again making the college life seem in this way.

The cover lines include articles about fashion, sport and money. All of these aspects are relevant to college student’s lives. Therefore this magazine is featuring what would appeal to their target audience on their front cover. This would draw the reader in as they would know that what they are reading is relevant to their lives. 

College Magazine Questionnaire Analysis

Questionnaire analysis

We did some audience research, and we found that 55% of the people we surveyed were female and 45% were male. 95% of these people said that they did not read the existing college magazine. Likewise, 55% said that they would like to have a monthly edition of the college magazine published. The second highest was once a term. Half of the people surveyed said that they would be prepared to pay for the magazine. 95% of these people said 50p would be the average price they would be willing to pay. 80%of the people surveyed said they would be more inclined to buy the magazine if it came with freebies.
The most popular topics to feature in my magazine were fashion, study tips, music, jobs and food. Therefore, on my front cover, I will include at least three of these topics. 60% of people surveyed said that they would like to see people feature on the front cover of the magazine. Moreover, the colours that were most popular were blue, yellow, red, black, white and green. I will then decide three of these colours to make my colour scheme for my magazine.

50% of people surveyed said that they would be interested in contributing work to the college magazine. Finally, 65% of students asked said that they would also like an online version of the magazine. 

College Magazine Questionnaire

1.       Are you male/ female/ other? Please circle one.
2.       Do you read the college magazine?  Yes/ no
3.       How often would you like a college magazine to be published?
Weekly                 Fortnightly          Monthly               Every half-term                                Every term

4.       Would you be prepared to pay for a college magazine? If so, how much?
Nothing                      50p                       £1                           £2

5.       Would you be more likely to buy a magazine if it offered freebies and discounts?  Yes/no
6.       What would you like to see in the magazine?
Fashion       Music                     Food       
Sport           Finance                 Problem page               Other:…………………………………………………..
Jobs             Study tips              Gaming reviews
7.       What type of image would you like to see on the front cover?
People         Technology           Nature          Student’s artwork
8.       What colour schemes would attract you to the magazine? Can you suggest 3 colours.
9.       Would you be interested in contributing work to the magazine?

10.   Would you also like an online version?  Yes/no